Designing Web Animation
Sunday, September 24, 2006
This is a thorough, fact-filled guide to creating Web animations. The beginning chapters serve as a primer for animation concepts such as cell and flip-book animation and techniques such as onion-skinning. But throughout the rest of the book, animators get advice on creating animated GIFs as well as Java, QuickTime, Shockwave, and server-push (CGI-based) animations. The authors discuss the pros and cons of each type of animation, and provide tips on using animation-creation software. You also get a solid discussion of Web-production issues such as file size and cross-platform compatibility, and of sound and special effects. This is a truly well-rounded approach, and beginning and experienced animators alike can learn much from the book. An included (hybrid) CD has trial versions of Macromedia Director 5 and Authorware, animation-creation utilities, and Shockwave plug-ins.
Book DescriptionThis book is a tutorial designed to walk the developer through different techniques for creating Web animation. Each section covers a technique that can be used to enhance any Web site.
-Includes step-by-step examples of animation techniques that require little or no programming
posted by Abu71 @ 23:23, ,
Windows Vista Games for WinXP
Freecell, Hearts, MineSwipper, Purble Place, Shanghai, Solitare, Spider Solitare.
posted by Abu71 @ 11:19, ,
PopCap Deluxe Games
PopCap Deluxe Games -This is a full installer, no cracks or kegens required!!....
17 of the Best PopCap games available, Install 1 or all. These are full games, no time limits, no activation required!!
posted by Abu71 @ 10:57, ,
Windows Live Messenger 8.1.0068 + patch
Windows Live Messenger 8.1 is an update to version 8.0 that contain key bug fixes as well as a few new features.
Download : Windows Live Messenger 8.1.0068
Download : Windows Live Messenger 8.1.0068 Patch
posted by Abu71 @ 10:42, ,
Windows Genuine Advantage Validation 1.5.540.0
posted by Abu71 @ 09:32, ,